πŸ”². 🦘 Raktha Athika ➖ The Indian Chupacabra | 🟒 FACT FILE❗| Discovered & Scientifically Proved by Scientist , Theoretical Zoologist Dijo Thomas in 2016!

πŸ”². 🦘 Raktha Athika ➖ The Indian Chupacabra ❗

 | 🟒 FACT FILE | 

Discovered & Scientifically Proved by Scientist , Theoretical Zoologist, Wildlife Conservationist Dijo Thomas in 2016

::  In a Nutshell !

🦘. 🟒 The Blood Drinking

➖ New Species

πŸ”΅ A Chupacabra Species in india❗

➖ Related to Kangaroo Family,

✅ Discovered &

🧰. Scientifically Proved by

Scientist , Theoretical Zoologist, Wildlife Conservationist Dijo Thomas ❗


🦘. Raktha Athika

🦘 The New Species + New Family, closely Related to Kangaroo Family, Discovered & Proved by Wildlife Conservationalist Dijo Thomas in Pavaratty, Thrichur, Kerala, India in June 2016 !

Food : Drinks the Blood of Goats and Chicken❗


Juvenile Raktha Athika ➖ The Indian Chupacabra



πŸ”²    Scientifically Proven.                ✅

Dijo Thomas Proved Scientifically Raktha Athika, the Indian Chupacabra on 14 Aug 2016 using the

🟨. Fact, Features, Factors etc. Based – New Species Scientifically Proving Method {F3B-NSPM } ❗

Discovered in : June 2016

Wildlife Conservationalist Dijo Thomas has Proved using Fact, Features, Factors etc. Based – New Species Scientifically Proving Method [F3B-NSPM] that :

1. Raktha Adhika is a New Species {100 percent}

2. Raktha Adhika is a New Family {100 percent}

3. Raktha Adhika Family is closely Related to Kangaroo Family {95 percent chance}


 Indian Chupacabra . Thrissur . June 2016 .

🟒. Dijo Thomas’s Mission :

To Save & Conserve Raktha Adhika a New Species & a New Family found in Pavaratty, Engandiyur (Engandiyoor), the coastal belt of Thrissur, Kerala, India, Discovered & Scientifically Proved by him.

Dijo Thomas presented Scientific Paper in 104th Indian Science Congress; held at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh on 06 Jan 2017.


πŸ”΅ History. :

One Raktha Adhika was caught in a cage, but Killed Secretly for the meat, as one local Teacher Mr. P. O Nameer, who wrongly said that it was an Indian Palm Civet.

Raktha Athika, Indian Chupacabra . Thrissur . June 2016

Three weeks later, towards the end of June 2016, Mr. Dijo Thomas, a very dedicated Scientist / Conservationalist / Environment Protection Activist / Wildlife Researcher , who was travelling outside the state, was informed by a woman Journalist of Thrissur about the development. She wanted to know whether it was the cub of Neelagiri Kaduva !


🟩. 🐾. Dijo Thomas had Earlier ; Discovered & Scientifically Proved

πŸ… Neelagiri Kaduva, a NEW Species + a New Family, the 8 th Big Cat in the world {after Tiger, Lion, Leopard etc.}, as Big as the Tiger, the Ancestor of both Feline {Cat} & Canid {Dog} Families, on 25 September 2014 ❗.

πŸ”΄ 🐾 Neelagiri Kaduva {Neelagiri Tiger}

is a Newly Discovered, Pre — Historic, CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Rarest Species;

➖ A Walking Fossil

➖ as Big as Tiger πŸ…

Which Still Exists in South India, Very Few in numbers ❗

✅ Scientifically Proven by Scientist and Conservation Biologist Dijo Thomas ,

➖ using F3B-NSPM Method !


. 🦘 Raktha Athika

IMMEDIATELY ON SEEING THE PICTURE of Raktha Adhika, Dijo Thomas said that, it was a NEW SPECIES &

Highly Probable that it was closely Related to KANGAROO FAMILY, the Macropodidae ❗

Later on 14 Aug 2016, Dijo Thomas Scientifically Proved that Raktha Adhika was a NEW Species + a New Family using the Fact, Features, Factors etc. Based – New Species Scientifically Proving Method {F3B-NSPM }.



Juvenile Raktha Athika ➖ The Indian Chupacabra




🟩. 🦘. Raktha Adhika ➖. FACT FILE ❗

Discovered & Scientifically Proved by: Dijo Thomas

Scientifically Proved using: Facts, Features, Factors etc. Based – New Species Scientifically Proving Method {F3B-NSPM}

Scientific Paper Presentation:

On 06 Jan 2017 Dijo Thomas presented Scientific Paper on Raktha Adhika in 104th Indian Science Congress; held at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh.

Maximum Probable Number: 6 – 10

Food: Drinks the blood of Goats & Chicken. Do not eat Flesh. Two holes on the neck of the prey.

Raktha Adhika certainly drinks / eats something else as its main diet, but Dijo Thomas has not been able to find out what it is. His can only guess for now, which may be anything from coconut juice to fish.

Travel: Land & Water

Location: Pavaratty, Thrichur, Kerala, India in June 2016.

Range: Ponnani – Chavakkadu – Triprayar

πŸ”² Home Territory :  Thrichur and Malappuram Districts of Kerala, India ❗ 

◾ Other Less Frequented Locations : Palakkad, Kozhikode and Ernakulam Districts of Kerala.

Similar Reported Animal: Chupacabra or Chupacabras (Spanish pronunciation: [tΚƒupaˈkaΞ²ΙΎas], literally “goat-sucker”; from “chupar”, “to suck”, and “cabra”, “goat”) . But Chupacabra is not Scientifically Proven, whereas Raktha Adhika has been Scientifically Proven by Dijo Thomas.

Conservation status: Critically Endangered (CR)

πŸ‘‰. As the Kerala Forest Department is Doing Nothing to Protect Raktha Adhika, Dijo Thomas is Fighting for its protection as a One Man Army.


πŸ”² Home Territory : Thrichur and Malappuram Districts of Kerala, India ❗ 

◾ Other Less Frequented Locations : Palakkad, Kozhikode and Ernakulam Districts of Kerala.


Media Reports

TV Reports

1. Raktha_Adhika-Prime News – 21Aug2016 – YouTube


2. RakthaAdhika-TCV_News-29 08 16 – YouTube



πŸ”² A TYPICAL News Paper Report on the Attack on Goats and Chicken By 🦘 Raktha Athika, The Indian Chupacabra ; 

➖ In Which Blood is Drunk, But the Flesh is NOT EATEN❗

πŸ‘‰ These Types of Reports have been Coming regularly in the Media for the Past 75 Years, and More ❗

