Neelagiri Tiger

☆ Neelagiri Tiger {Neelagiri Kaduva}  - 🐅 as Big as Tiger 🐅 - {which looks like Tiger - with the face of dog} which is ¤ Critically Endangered, Discovered in Kerala, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka in India in 2014 !

☆☆☆ Neelagiri Kaduva is an important Missing Link in Evolutionary Science, almost a Pre-Historic animal; the last few still existing in South India. But on the verge of Total Extinction. 

🐅  Scientifically Proved:
¤ Scientific Paper Presentation: Dijo Thomas presented 2 Scientific Papers on Neelagiri Kaduva, the NEW Species Found by him in
1. 103rd Indian Science Congress; held at University of Mysore on 07 Jan 2016 &

2. an updated paper in 104th Indian Science Congress; held at SV University, Tirupathi in Jan 2017.

¤ Is Neelagiri Tiger a Fake News? 
Please note : This is NOT a fake news. I am working for the Conservation, Research, Scientific Proving, Educating People in the 12 + localities where I Discovered Neelagiri Tiger; for the past 7 years since it's first discovery, since 2014, with out any income.
¤ If Neelagiri Kaduva didn't exist, then I would be a totally mad person to waste my time like this. 

☆ I am doing my Conservation Activities with out 1 Rupee Income or Salary, I don't have any savings, I am not even having a single camera. I am a Conservationist first. 
 : Dijo Thomas

¤ Who is preventing the Conservation of Neelagiri Kaduva? 
 1. Roman Catholics - Christian Fanatics
2. Corrupt Politicians
3. Government of Kerala
4. Government of India
5. Corrupt & Criminal Police Officers whom Dijo Thomas opposes. 
6. Wild Elephant Poaching Mafia involving top Politicians, top Forest Officials etc., whom Dijo Thomas exposed before the Public.

¤ What are the Reasons? If it really exist, then Why doesn't the Government support or even acknowledge Neelagiri Tiger conservation? 
¤ Mainly because Dijo Thomas is an Activist
Read The Details at :
🐅 ☆ ☆ ☆ News Report : Report in Deccan Chronicle Daily, a prominent Indian News Paper, the most Trusted English newspaper in India; on 26 Sep 18 regarding the
Discovery & Scientific Proving of Neelagiri Tiger.

[This report was prepared by the Bureau Chief of Vijayawada bureau  of Deccan Chronicle, their Main Bureau in Andhra Pradesh.]

 ¤ Appearance : Neelagiri Kaduva, at first sight, looks roughly like a Leopard or Tiger, has the face of a Dog; with the size of a Tiger.
It is Reddish Brown in colour.

 It has stripes like a Tiger, [but vauge], with the face of a dog – hence the colloquial name "Patti Kaduva" – meaning “DogTiger”. It also has dots on its body, making ordinary people mistake it for a Leopard. [To know the nature of stripes & dots, please see the pic of the Cub of NeelagiriKaduva Killed in Neyyar Dam on 02 Oct 2014.]

¤ Photographs: Do not exist. Pic of the Cub of Neelagiri Kaduva Killed in Neyyar Dam exists.

¤ Discovered & Scientifically Proved by: Dijo Thomas

☆ Scientifically Proved using: Facts, Features, Factors etc. Based - New Species Scientifically Proving Method {F3B-NSPM }

More Media Reports:

🐅 ☆ I am ready to Prove Neelagiri Kaduva before International Panel of Scientific Experts: Dijo Thomas.

🐅 YouTube Channels: [You can see TV News, Eye Witness accounts etc. here]


> Pls Spread the word: It is very Important to make the authorities act on Neelagiri Kaduva's Conservation. Let people know that such a Rare & Pre-historic animal exists among us un-noticed.

> You r Welcome to take part in Neelagiri Tiger Conservation!

¤ A word to Admins of Groups: 
Pls Note that Neelagiri Kaduva had been Scientifically Proved in Multiple Ways. Thats why 400+ media reports have come in main stream media. A layman commenting in FB that it doesn't exist doesn't have any Scientific value.  Not even a single person / expert / scientist has been able to disprove it [for 5 years]. I presented Scientific Papers in 2 Indian Science Congress, [before the Senior most Scientists in India]. I have Collected more than direct 350+ Eye Witness Accounts from 3 States in South India [ U can see some of them in my YTube channels].

 ☆ If a person, can challenge & Disprove - Scientifically - that my Findings are false-; that only will have any value. And a negative comment in FB is Not at all a Scientific Disproving! [See last Pic]. If a request comes to take down the post, then tell them to prove scientifically that NK doesn't exist. There may be many comments to the post; but I may reply to only those I think have merit. Already the News of NK had been published in various International Groups related to Science, Nature, Wildlife etc.
☆ Please be aware that there is a systematic smear campaign against me & Neelagiri Tiger by the Mafia's I oppose & people they bribed. Please don't fall prey to them. 
For more details visit:
Nature Website:
