Is "Attack against Children" false propaganda used by my Criminal Enemies against me behind the back?

Is "Attack against Children" false propaganda used by my Criminal Enemies against me behind the back?
I have reasons to doubt that such a campaign is done against me.
I came against such a possible campaign being done by these Mafias & Criminals, by some indirect hints by a social worker in Thrissur in 2017.
This could have been started by the highly Crooked Roman Catholics, & then later taken by others, as it is a convenient tool to Tarnish an Activist's image.
Their strategy was that nobody will tell me of such a campaign, therefore I will be unable to defend myself. As I will not even become aware that such a campaign is done.
I came across such a campaign in Auroville recently.
If u came against such an accusition against me, & didn't question me on it, then you are Not a Genuine person.

If anyone come across such a campaign, then they should inform me.
